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Required Labor Certification Recruitment for Professionals

  • 30-Day Job Listing with the State Job Office (in California, Proof will consist of a printout of the listing application containing the start and end dates.

  • Newspaper ad on two different Sundays, in the newspapaer most likely to yield qualified applicants.  Proof will consist of a copy of the pages on which the ads appeared, with the date banner and name of the newspaper OR other proof of publication from the newspaper.

  • Three of the following ten alternatives:

    • Employer's own website.  Proof will consist of printouts of the ad containing the date banner

    • Job search website. Usually this will consist of the web page generated by newspaper in conjunction with the two Sunday ads. Proof will consist of a photocopy of the ad containing the date banner.

    • Use of a trade or professional organization. Proof will consist of a copy of the newsletter or trade journal page that contains the ad.

    • Employee referral program with incentives. Proof will consist of dated copies of employer notices or memoranda advertising the program and specifying the incentives offered.

    • Placement firms (headhunters).  Proof may consist of copy of contract and ads placed by the firm.

    • On-campus recruiting. Proof will consist of the college’s notice naming the employer and the date it conducted interviews for the occupation to be certified.

    • Campus placement office. (Note that this is different from on-campus recruiting). Proof will consist of a copy of the employer’s notice of the job opportunity provided to the campus placement office.

    • Job fair. Proof will consist of newspaper ad or brochure naming the employer as a participant.

    • Local and ethnic newspapers.  Proof will consist of a copy of the pages on which the ads appeared, with the date banner and name of the newspaper OR other proof of publication from the newspaper.

    • Radio or television ads.

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